Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic means "out of place". In an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg has implanted outside the uterus. It can be implanted in the ovary, abdomen, or the cervix. The egg settles in the fallopian tubes, which are commonly called "tubal pregnancies". None of these areas has as much space or nurturing tissue as a uterus for a pregnancy to develop. As the fetus grows, it will eventually burst the organ that contains it. This can cause severe bleeding and endanger the mother's life. A classical ectopic pregnancy does not develop into a live birth.

What could be the most encouraging words to tell to a friend who is lying in bed for almost nine months suffering from Ectopic pregnancy? She is crying for help, for prayers and miracles! She is ready to sacrifice everything, even her life, just to keep her baby inside to survive and have a chance to see the beautiful things of the world! But my prayer is to keep them both alive and survive! Her doctors said it would really be a bloody delivery when its time! Only by Faith in God that this pregnant mom helps her to remain calm and expect for positive result in every change happens each day until seeing them both really okay after giving birth!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

It is harder being a mom than being an expectant mom

No greater joy is felt when you had known that you are conceiving a child. A child that you can proudly say "A child of my own!" You wouldn't mind the miraculous changes of your body and mood swings month after month until delivering the most precious inside your womb.

I've seen many pregnant women who are enjoying their pregnancy period. Most of them are very health conscious and others strongly believe in pregnancy superstitious and wholeheartedly follow what are best practices during pregnancy just to keep the fetus healthy and witty from the start of conception until he grows from the real world!

But I realized, it is harder to become a mom, from the 1st day when the baby is born. Keeping baby's safety and health while he was still inside the womb doesn't stop when you successfully delivered him after nine months of pregnancy period. During pregnancy, sometimes you can't cope with your emotional and body changes,yet you keep yourself strong for your baby.Now that he is born, all the more that you need to be strong because your precious one needs your wings to carry him until he knows how to manage his own life. It is harder to control him since a lot of things and people may influence his growth from day to day. Being an expectant mom ends on the ninth month! Being a mom is a lifetime, it even starts from day one of conception.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Proud Daddy after Pregnancy

During pregnancy, most of the fathers' to be are also mixed emotions. They maybe feel excited, worried or bored. Like expectant mothers' emotions too. Oftentimes, the excitement of a husband is not really visible during pregnancy but you will see how worried he is at the time his wife is feeling discomfort and in much pain during the final stage of pregnancy. And, I had never seen him so proud when he saw his baby was born atlast.

One day, he went to see my son. To my surprised, he let me see a picture of a beautiful baby and he said "that's my daughter"! I never thought this would come, my heart cries when I saw him so proud and happy. Yet, I showed him that I am strong. I was really happy to see him maturing this time. I'd just wish I saw him so proud like that when I gave birth to his son.

Every father, should feel that way. They should be proud of every child that adds to their families. At the time of pregnancy, parents should treat their children equally in love, care and time. The joy of pregnancy is much more intense when the baby is born!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Consider Sibling Rivalry at the time of pregnancy

At the time of pregnancy, parents should consider that bringing a newborn baby home for the first time is a challenge for any parent- even more so if you already have an older child who may be confused, anxious or horrified at having to share your love and attention with someone else.

Parents often expect sibling rivalry to occur shortly after the baby's arrival. In fact, it is more likely to occur when the baby starts to become mobile. The jealousy begins when the older child sees the new baby sitting in the highchair that once theirs, wearing their old clothes or playing their old toys. Perhaps more worrying for the parents is when the older child shows outright resentment and tried to hurt the baby, usually when they think no one is watching. Your anxiety for your baby's safety is understandable, and unfortunately it only increases the pressure you're already facing. But however badly your child may react to the baby's arrival-and remember that plenty of children take it in their stride- there are ways to help him or her cope with their feelings of jealousy and hurt, and thereby reduce the stress at home.

During your pregnancy, talk to your child positively about the new baby and involve then in the preparations. Take your child to the doctor when you go for checkups, shop for baby things together and let them help set up the nursery.

Emergency signs and sex during pregnancy

The following symptoms require immediate medical attention. Report to your doctor or contact the hospital if you experience any of these during pregnancy.

  • Blurred vision
  • Severe abdominal pain or cramp
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Fluid leakage
  • Frequent, painful urination
  • Swelling of hands, face, and ankles
  • Sever nausea and vomiting
  • Increased temperature or fever (at or above 38 C)
  • Absent or reduced (less thank 10 kicks in 12 hours after week 28)
  • Sever headache

Emegency tip: Write down important numbers like your doctor's and your relatives'which could prove valuable when an emergency arises.

SEX may be more pleasurable for you during pregnancy due to hormonal and physiological changes. However, the various discomforts experienced during pregnancy may lessen your interest in sex.

As your pregnancy progresses, you may be apprehensive about having sex, but it is important to remember that sex during pregnancy is safe for most women. However, it is advisable to refrain from sex during advanced pregnancy (past 36th week)

You may also need to discuss with your doctor whether sex is safe for you if any of the following apply:

  • low lying placenta (placenta praevia)
  • family history of miscarriage
  • previous history of premature labor
  • history of mulitiple births
  • bleeddubg during intercourse

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A mom's heart from the time of pregnancy

There is no greater place for best comfort and courage for every blessed child but to his mother’s heart. From the time of pregnancy, a mom’s heart is rejoicing. No matter how strong the discomforts she may feel over the period of pregnancy, she maintains a good character and full of excitement to see her new born baby.

If every child realizes how a mother sacrifices from the time of conception until she sees her child had full grown up or to some mothers, until their last breath , they would see how happy or sad a mom’s heart. From the time she confirms that she is pregnant, she thinks of her baby’s brighter future. She wishes all the best things in life for her child. During the labour stage, when she almost can’t bear the pain, she would have rather choose to die just to give her baby an opportunity to live in this world but all the more she struggles for pain just to live with you and watch you as you grow old and as you take your journey. She celebrates your joys and achievements and she also feel much pain when you are in pain. But why there are some children who easily break their mothers' heart? I know there are some mothers who don’t know how to appreciate the joy of pregnancy and appreciate to have a child, but to those children who have a wonderful mom must be grateful and blessed because few children had ever see the heart of a good mom! Every child should give best love and respect to their parents, this mother’s day, how many children had greeted their moms? Have you find time to celebrate this day with her? Don’t ignore how worthy they are to have them in your life. Don’t wait for the time you can no longer see her smiling at you, the time you can no longer hear her calling your sweet name!

To all best mom of every child’s heart, I salute your good heart! Our gratefulness to have a wonderful mom is far beyond saying “I love you, mama!”

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hubby's role during pregnancy

The sense of excitement and anticipation as you prepare for your baby’s arrival is something the father-to-be can experience, too. It is not easy to for them to cope with any changes over the nine months of pregnancy. But to the expectant mom, the role of their partner during pregnancy plays a very important role. The joy of pregnancy should be shared by both parents-to-be. Touching the baby through your tummy is a special way for your partner to communicate with the baby, but there are also plenty of practical ways your partner can share in the experience of pregnancy and labour.

Attending Antenatal Classes
It is very useful for the expectant father to attend classes with you. It aims to prepare both parents physically and mentally for labour and the arrival of the baby. It is also the time where your partner is being taught on how to support and encourage you most especially during the final stage of pregnancy. It is also where you are given a chance to meet other expectant parents in a social and supportive atmosphere.

Encouragement and Emotional Support
Pregnancy is a time when your partner can provide the encouragement and emotional support you need. It is indeed not so easy to cope with mood swings, food cravings and bearing all with whatever discomforts you. Now is his time to show how much he cares and loves you, how supportive and understanding he is when you started to change due to pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses, you can expect him to chip in with a greater share of the household chores, and help to entertain your other children when you get tired.

Support during Labour
This is the time you will need much of his support emotionally and physically. The final stage of pregnancy is where the tense arises, during labour his support is of immense importance. Simply by being there with you during labour, he may guide you through breathing techniques while you are having contractions, and massage you back and encourage you to relax between contractions. That will be the most comfort you can have during this stage.

Planning Together
Pregnancy is the joint responsibility of both parents and any decisions made during this period should be jointly discussed. Stress during pregnancy is inevitable for both the expectant father and mother. No matter how uneasy and tiring at times the pregnancy period, you must both realize that you will have a new baby to share and love at the end of it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Prepare a good name for your baby during pregnancy

There are some pregnant moms are having a hard-time enjoying the pregnancy stage of their lives but to me it was the blissful experience and I keep myself happy and healthy. I always think of taking care of myself to protect the new life inside my womb. One of the happiest moments during my pregnancy is when I think of what could be the best name that I could give to my baby?

I was seven months pregnant when I started to search a baby name in the internet. Right after I had an ultrasound from my doctor, I had known that it’s a baby boy; I rushed to the nearest internet cafĂ© and began to surf a certain baby name website. I believed that there’s something that I should be careful in giving name of my baby. I have to consider things like: They might give him unpleasant aliases out of his real name and the meaning of his name might influence his character when he grows up. Another thing, I put into consideration my experience whenever I apply for my NBI clearance. If you have a common name, you have to wait for a week or more because they need to investigate if you don’t have any criminal records. I looked for a name with a biblical meaning. At first, I thought of a name Michael which means a warrior of God. I also thought of having a two given name and keep it unique. I searched for a name Dave from the word David which means precious gift then I added the Greek word of Michael which is Maichail. My son’s name is Dave Maichail means a gift from God!

I love Dave so much; I keep thanking God for having him as my greatest gift that I had received from Him! We used to call him Dave or Mico (short name for Maichail). When he was 3 years old and started from pre-school, his Aunt Mie was the one teaching him how to write his name. Dave complained “why does my name too long, I am getting tired writing my full name?” my sister laughed and she told him, you ask your mom about it! See? I have a reason or story to tell about his name! It is really nice to spend time giving a good name for your baby. Create a story behind his name.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Managing change during pregnancy-3rd Trimester

Third Trimester (Week 29-40)

Your belly button will now be more flattened or popped out due to your growing abdomen. A clear linea negra may also run down your abdomen. Your growing baby will exert pressure on your internal organs, causing problems like breathlessness, leaking urine, and frequent urination. You might experience sleeping difficulty.

To avoid tiring yourself during pregnancy period:
  • Put your feet up whenever you can.
  • Think of quiet things to do while you rest: practice gentle relaxation exercises, listen to soothing music, read a book or magazine, or perhaps knit something for the baby.
  • It helps if you try to do thigs at a slower pace than usual, so that you don't become overtired/ exausted.

36th Week

Note: Chances of survival now will be good if your baby is born.

  • Your baby’s skin is pink in color.
  • Hair continues to grow.
  • Your baby has little room to move; instead it may kick and punch. This will be visible from outside your abdomen.
  • Size of baby: aprox. 46cm
  • Weight of baby: approx. 2.5kg

If this is your first child, the baby’s head may become engaged now. This will help you breathe more easily and reduce problems with heartburn and indigestion. But with the baby pressed against your bladder, you may still need to urinate frequently. There may be mild contractions called Braxton Hicks. They are the painless, but uncomfortable hardening of your uterus which usually occurs regularly (approx. every 20 minutes). From now, until the end of pregnancy, you may have to rest your feet more often and avoid standing for too long to prevent your ankles from swelling.

38th Week

Do not be worried if you lose a little weight in the final two weeks. Your cervix (neck of the womb) will become softer to prepare for labor. You may experience fairly strong Braxton Hicks contractions, though not regularly.

  • Little movement of baby because there is not enough space.
  • Lanugo hair disappears.
  • Eyelids are open now.
  • Size of baby: approx. 50-51 cm.
  • Weight of baby: approx. 3.4 kg.

Note: Prepare yourself to give birth anytime two weeks before or after the expected date of delivery.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Managing change during pregnancy-2nd Trimester

Second Trimester (Week 13-28)

16th Week

You have probably started to look and feel pregnant by now, with noticeable weight and a disappearing waistline. There may be a increase in skin pigmentation.

  • Your baby is able to practice breathing and suck his thumbFine hairs (called lanugo) cover his face and body, but disappears after birth.
  • Size of baby: approximately 16cm.
  • Weight of baby: approximately 135g.

20th Week

Your skin pigmentation may be more obvious now. Your breasts are getting larger and heavier, so get a good maternity bra for support. You may experience backache because of your ligaments and joints may have slackened.

You may start feeling that your baby is moving.
  • Tooth buds developing.
  • Your baby can grip firmly with his hands.
  • Hair will grow on his head.
  • Size of the baby: approx. 25cm
  • Weight of the baby: 300-340g
  • 24th Week

    • Leg and arm muscles have developed.
    • Your baby may do somersaults.
    • Your baby may cough and hiccup.
    • Size of baby: approx. 32-33 cm.
    • Weight of baby: approx. 570g.

    28th Week

    Your abdominal skin becomes very stretched and might have some red strectch marks. Problems like indigestion, heartburn, and leg cramps may occur.

    • Fat deposits are being laid down, so your baby looks more rounded.
    • Your baby's face and body are covered with "vernix caseosa", which waterproofs the skin.
    • Your baby can open and close his eyelids and look around.
    • Size of baby: approx. 35cm.
    • Weight of baby: approx. 0.9-1kg.

    Note: If your baby will be born during 7th-8th month of pregnancy, it could survive under special care.

    Managing Change during Pregnancy-1st Trimester

    First Trimester (Week 1 to 12)
    Your body reacts to hormonal changes, possibly with nausea or vomiting. You might feel a metallic taste in your mouth. Your breasts may feel tender and become enlarged and you may need to urinate more frequently. You may notice an increase in vaginal discharge which should be whitish in colour.

    3rd Week

    • Development of your baby’s brain and spinal cord begins. (This is most crucial
    • Embryo is implanted in the wall of your uterus.

    6th Week

    • Your baby's heart begun to beat.

    • Size of baby: approximately 6mm.

    8th Week
    Morning sickness may still continue to bother you.

    • Your baby's head begins to grow with recognisable facial features and developing ears.

    • Liver, spleen, and digestive system are developing.

    • Your baby's central nervous system is developing.

    • Four limbs grow with web-like fingers and toes.

    • Size of baby: 22-25 mm.

    TWIN TRIVIA: About one in 80 pregnancies result in twins. If twins run in your family, your chance of having them is greater.

    12th Week

    Symptoms like nausea and frequent urination may occur less often now, but constipation may be a problem. Your hear lungs, and kidneys are working hard due to increased blood volume.

    • Your baby's head looks too large for his body.

    • Your baby is able to form different facial expressions and can open and close his mouths as well as suck.

    • Fingers and toes have developed, nails have grown.

    • Weight of baby: approximately 18g.

    • Size of baby: approximately 6.5-7.5cm.

    Saturday, April 10, 2010

    Posture and Antenatal Pregnancy Exercises

    Good posture is just as important as antenatal exercises in maintaining your overall well-being.
    Keeping the correct posture during your pregnancy is important to reduce the risk of back injuries. Make sure you stand up straight. Bend your legs instead of your back when picking up or lifting things. Avoid high-heeled shoes and prolonged standing.

    Standing up
    Keep your shoulders back and drop them slightly. Keep your back straight. Tuck your bottom in. Lift your chest and ribs. Stomach muscles should be tightened. Have your feet positioned slightly apart.

    Sitting down
    Sit up straight on chair that will support your back. (You can use a pillow to further support your back)

    Picking up objects
    When picking up objects, squat down, use your leg muscles and keep your back straight.

    Getting up
    Roll onto your side and use your arms to help push yourself up. This will help prevent straining your back and abdominal muscles.

    Exercise helps promote good posture, tones, and strengthens muscles in the stressed areas (particularly back, abdomen, pelvis), and improves blood circulation and psychological well-being (among other benefits). It’s a good idea to take some form of regular exercise if your current pregnancy (or any previous ones) is uncomplicated.

    Back strengthening
    Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent. Keep your feet together and flat on the floor. Slip your hand under the hollow part on your back, and press your spine against the floor with your abdominal muscles until your back is flat. Hold for 4-5 seconds. Relax and repeat 5-10 minutes.

    The Cat
    Push your head down and arch your back gently. You should feel a stretch from your neck to the base of your spine. Relax your back to its normal position as you raise your head. Repeat 1-2 times.

    Breast muscles
    Keeping your back straight, sit cross-legged on the floor. Take hold of your left wrist with your right hand and vice versa, in front of your chest. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Breathe in again. While holding your breath, push your shoulders and ribcage down. Tip your chin gently on to your chest and slide each wrist towards your elbows ten times. Lift your head up and exhale slowly. Repeat this 1-2 times.

    Back, thigh, and pelvic muscles
    Squat down with your feet turned out slightly. Your heels should be flat on the floor and your back straight. Press your elbows against your thighs to stretch your thigh muscles. Stay in this position as long as it is comfortable.

    Squat with a chair
    You can use a chair to help support you as you squat. If you have difficulty in keeping your feet flat on the floor, place a folded blanket under your heels.

    Abdominal exercise
    Lie on your back with your knees bent, hips wide apart, and feet flat on the floor.
    Place your arms a short distance from your body. Press your spine against the floor until your back is flat. While keeping your back pressed flat against the floor, slowly straighten your legs. Once your back begins to arch, bend your knees and repeat the exercise.

    Sports that are strenuous or involve sudden movement should be avoided. Walking or swimming is enjoyable and beneficial. But before proceeding with any strenuous exercise, discuss it with your doctor. Always eat some carbohydrate-rich food an hour before exercise. In the final months of pregnancy, vigorous and strenuous activities are not recommended. During this time, you will need more rest.

    Sunday, March 28, 2010

    Teenage Pregnancy

    Teenage pregnancy is pertaining to women who are getting pregnant within the ages of 13-19. Do you think this is a problem in the society? That depends on which region or country you belong to. In developed countries, teenage pregnancy is usually within marriage and does not involve a social issue. Among developed countries, the United States and United Kingdom have the highest level of teenage pregnancy, while Japan and South Korea have the lowest. In developing countries, among Asian countries like Philippines, teenage pregnancy is a socio-economic problem. Such socio-economic issues are as follows:

    Educational levels
    Women that are not given a chance to go to school at least having reached secondary high school, haven’t experience proper education and lack of guidance from their parents are resulted to teenage pregnancy.

    Few teenage mothers are continuing to finish their education giving them less chance or less opportunity to find a better career in the future; they’ll be exposed to find means for a living at an early stage of their lives. Hopes and dreams are mostly ended right after getting pregnant thus it resulted to experience poverty.

    Poor pregnant mothers become Poorer
    Unplanned pregnancy is usually the outcome of the teenage pregnancy. Teenage mothers suffer from early motherhood responsibilities that they are not much ready to take. Teenage mothers belonging to middle class and lowest class family need to sacrifice a lot of things like education and other dreams just to cope with their new life situation as a mother. Without much income because of unfinished education, they can’t give better future for their children.

    Higher rates of Abortion
    Teenage pregnant that is afraid to face the consequences of unplanned pregnancy and acts cowardly in accepting the motherhood responsibilities, abortion is her last option. And in this case, Philippines don’t embrace abortion.

    One of the ways to limit the growing issue on teenage pregnancy is having a closed-family relationship at home. Parents play a very important role of teaching sex education to their children. A mother is obliged to introduce sex education to her daughter once she experiences the first menstrual period. A father is responsible to remind good values of his growing son on how to respect women.

    Possible Pregnancy with Calendar Method

    Calendar-based methods are various methods to determine the fertility period of a woman to have positive pregnancy result, by timing unprotected intercourse for days identified as fertile or to some, to avoid pregnancy by restricting unprotected intercourse for days identified as infertile.

    The first red bleeding is considered day one of a menstrual cycle. Most menstrual cycle has several days of infertility, fertility periods and then other days of infertility for the next menstrual cycle. Before selecting the best type and most effective calendar method to achieve positive pregnancy result, you have to determine the length of your menstrual cycle. Various systems are known as the:

    Rhythm method
    1. Determine the length of menstrual cycle
    2. Estimated length of pre- infertility period: Subtract nineteen (19) from the length of woman’s shortest cycle
    3. Estimated length of start of the post- infertility period: Subtract ten (10) from the length of woman’s longest cycle.
    Woman’s menstrual cycle is range from 30-36 days.
    Estimated length of pre-infertility period is ((30-19) = 11).
    Estimated length of start of post-infertility period is ((36-10) =26)
    Therefore: A woman is infertile for the first 11 days of her cycle. Fertility period on days 12-25 and then the start of post infertility period is on the 26th day.

    Standard Days Method
    The Standard Days method is simpler and more effective than rhythm method. The Standard Days Method may only be used by women whose cycles are always between 26 and 32 days in length. In this system, days 1-7 of a woman's menstrual cycle are considered infertile. Days 8-19 are considered fertile.

    Common symptoms and Complaints of Pregnancy

    Each expectant mom may experience a variety of symptoms over the course of nine-month pregnancy but there are three main causes of these symptoms.

    The hormonal level during pregnancy is high and this can cause to morning sickness, skin pigmentation, frequent urination, constipation and frequent perspiration.

    You should eat a well-balanced diet to meet enough vitamins and minerals that you and your baby's requirement. Otherwise, you'll fell tiredness due to anemia and leg cramps.

    This can cause difficulty in breathing, constipation, heart burn, indigestion and urinary leakage.

    Some of these symptoms may alleviated by a simple change of diet or lifesytle but as always, once you experience one or more of the symptoms that you are pregnant, CONSULT your DOCTOR before taking any MEDICATION.

    Watch a healthy diet during pregnancy!

    Here are some servings that you may consider in your diet during pregnancy.

    1 tablespoon of oil
    1 tablespoon of margarine or butter

    2 slices of cooked meat or 1 medium fillet of fish (i.e palm-size)
    3/4 cup cooked peas and beans
    1 egg

    3-4 SERVINGS
    1 glass of milk 1 small tub of yogurt
    2 slices of cheese

    1 medium apple/ orange
    1 wedge of watermelon
    1 cup of fruit juice
    1 medium potato
    1/2 cup of cooked vegetables

    1bowl of rice or noodles
    2 slices of bread
    1 bowl of cereal 1 small camote, 170 g.

    Eat moderate amounts of food. Avoid eating large amounts of food at one time because digestion is slower during pregnancy.

    Saturday, March 27, 2010

    Baby gender and Chinese calendar

    I had never known about this baby gender and the Chinese calendar before I got pregnant. One day a friend handed me a paper, a baby gender and the Chinese calendar written on it. I tried to check if it worked for me. Let's see!

    My age from the time of conception: 22
    Month of conception: August

    Wow! It worked! Yes, I had a baby boy! How about you? Try it out!

    Pregnancy checkup

    Once your pregnancy has been confirmed by your doctor, you are advised to have a regular checkup. Here's a rough guide as to how often you should visit your doctor at different stages of your pregnancy.

    Weeks of Pregnancy/ How Often
    1st-28th monthly
    29th-35th Once in 2 weeks
    36th-40th weekly

    If you have some important questions in mind, better list them down before going to the doctor!

    What to AVOID while pregnant

    Research has shown that alcohol, smoking and unprescribed medications (including herbs) should be avoided during pregnancy. These will definitely put you and your baby's health at risks.

    Alchohol intake should be avoided as it affects your baby's mental, nervous system and other vital parts of his body's development. Once the alchohol enters the blood stream of the unborn child when the mother drinks, this may result to mental retardation, nervous system problem and facial abnormalities.

    Smoking is definitely not recommended during pregnancy. If you smoke or inhale smoke while you are pregnant, you are at a higher risk of having a premature or underweight baby. Mothers who smoke may result to miscarriage and fetal malformation. Sudden infant death syndrome has also been linked to having a smoker in the family.

    It is always been safer to consult your doctor during pregnancy, NEVER SELF-MEDICATE! Certain drugs may have harmful effects on your fetus.

    Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, cocoa, and cocoa-based beverages, chocolates and caffeine- containing softdrinks. Though its effects on the developing human fetus is unclear, but animal studies have shown that it can cause fetal abnormalities or low birth weight babies. Try to avoid excessive amounts of caffeine intake in your diet.

    To minimize the risk of food poisoning avoid foods that are hygienically prepared, have not been properly cooked, or which have gone mouldy. All foods should be eaten immediately after cooking or should be reheated until very hot. Also, avoid eating raw foods such as fish and eggs. Raw vegetables should be washed thoroughly before eating.

    Why do pregnant women Gain Weight?

    Many women are concious about gaining weight while they are pregnant. They can't help viewing their expanding abdomen with alarm.

    Pregnancy is not the time to try and lose weight or prevent weight gain, unless medical supervision, as your baby requires energy as well as nutrients to grow. Women who are really concious about their body figure will have to exert a lot more effort to understand that dieting during pregnancy will surely affect your baby as it will affect you.

    Weight gain during pregnancy

    First Trimester
    There is a very little (1-2 kg) or no weight gain during this period. You may experience lose weight during this period due to morning sickness.

    Second Trimester
    There will be an average weight gain of 0.5 kg per week. This is equal to 7-9kg.

    Third Trimester
    There is a slow down rate of weight gain to about 1 kg per month during this period.

    3kg Maternal stores(fat, protein and other minerals)
    2kg Increased fluid
    3kg Baby
    1 kg Amniotic fluid
    1 kg Uterus
    1 kg Breast growth
    0.5 kg. Placenta

    Friday, March 26, 2010

    Energy and Special Nutrient of a Pregnant


    Sometimes expectant mom's thinking is she needs to eat for two people. One for herself and another for her baby. This is misleading because your energy requirement does not double when you are pregnant. Instead, the amount of food you eat is dictated by your appetite with careful attention to eating the right kind of foods which are rich in the following nutrients.

    Vitamins and Minerals

    You need more of most vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, apart from vitamin A. Eating a well-balanced diet will ideally supply all the vitamins and minerals that you need but there are some key nutrients that needs careful attention such as calcium, folate and iron. Your doctor will prescribe supplements if your dietary intake of these nutrients does not meet your requirements.

    Nutrition during Pregnancy

    It is important that you consider essential foods to eat, it is the best way of expressing your love and how you appreciate the new life inside of you. Eating the right kind of food can ultimately affect the health of your baby. But, how can you be so sure that you're eating the right foods? Choosing from the foods listed under each of the following food groups will ensure your diet remains well-balanced for the whole period of pregnancy.

    Rice and rice alternatives
    Foods from this group are energy-giving foods, it includes rice; pasta; noodles; bread and other starchy foods. A large proportion of your diet should be considered from this group. As well as energy they provide you with vitamins and minerals, fiber and a little protein. Try to include whole-grain bread or brown rice products in your diet for added fiber.

    Milk and milk products
    Foods from this group are rich in calcium and provide other essential nutrients like protein, vitamins A and D and some B vitamins. It includes milk, cheese and yogurt. I suggest you choose low-fat or non-fat milk products if you are conscious about gaining more weight.

    Meat and meat alternatives
    Foods from this group are from animal sources like lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs and seafoods. They are more sources of B vitamins, and minerals like iodine, iron and zinc.Avoid fatty foods. Meat alternatives like plant food such as legume, nuts and beancurd they also provide the same vitamins and minerals that you can get from meat products.

    Fruits and vegetables
    This food group provides the most essential vitamins and minerals that you and your baby needs. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide fiber to help fight constipation. To get the most essential vitamins and minerals, eat leafy and wide variety of these food group.

    Other foods
    Foods like margarine, oils, salt, sugar and butter are less essential to your diet but do not totally avoid them as they provide some fat-soluble vitamins like A,D,E and K are also essential fatty acids.

    Planning for Pregnancy

    One of the miraculous events that any women could ever wish for is having a baby. It is the greatest fulfillment of most women in the world. However, such wonderful feeling could sometimes be replaced by anxiety. To appreciate the joy of pregnancy, it needs careful planning and preparation. Here are some suggestions that you may want to consider to make sure you are ready to conceive and nurture a new life inside you.

    Be financially stable
    Have enough saving as early as before you get pregnant.

    Set your emotions and priorities
    Bearing a child for nine months changes a lot of things such as moods and there are things you used to do are not allowed during this period.

    Eat a well-balanced diet
    Start a healthy diet of your baby even at the very start of his life.

    Quit smoking, drinking and taking drugs
    Many studies have shown that drinking alcohol, smoking and taking drugs resulted to childbirth deficiences.

    Stop using contraceptives several months before you get pregnant
    Give your body enough time for hormones and your cycle to get normal.

    Knowing these things to get ready for a baby, you have to start creating happy thoughts that you are going to be a mother soon!

    Symptoms of Pregnancy

    It's an unspeakable of joy that you are seeing the posibility that you are now pregnant. How can you be so sure that you are conceiving a child? You must understand that every pregnancy experience is a unique one. Some expectant mothers experience the symptoms of pregnancy at the early stage; others may feel the symptoms once they've known that they're conceiving. Once the baby has been conceived, the mother's body begins to experience dramatic changes that are the results of hormonal changes during pregnancy. Below is a list of symptoms of pregnancy. You may experience all or some of these.

    Morning sickness
    You may feel nauseated after reacting to some odor, food or drinks. This may range from slight stomach upset to vomiting.

    Food cravings
    You may suddenly have a strong likes and dislikes for certain food.

    Mood swings
    You may feel too much of joy to depression.

    Due to the increasing level of your hormone-progesterone, you may feel tired and sleepy during pregnancy.

    Missed period
    You may suspect that you are pregnant if you have a regular period then you miss one.

    These are but symptoms, it is always safe to consult your doctor once you experience some of these. He will perform a pregnancy test or he may do ultrasound for you to make certain of your pregnancy.

    Thursday, March 25, 2010

    Fallacies of Pregnancy

    Most expectant mothers are so careful and watchful of what they do and what they eat during pregnancy. Below is a list of fallacies in pregnancy that I had researched and some were personally experienced.

    Don't stay at the doorway
    Avoid staying at the doorway, you'll have difficulty in giving birth.
    Truth: Staying at the doorway has nothing to do with easy and painful delivery.

    Don't take a bath everyday.
    Taking a bath everyday will cause your baby to catch colds.
    Truth: Take a bath everyday especially in the morning so you'll feel fresh the whole day.Expectant mom normally experience a hot feeling because of hormonal body changes.

    Don't eat eggplant during pregnancy.
    Eating eggplant during pregnancy period will cause your baby to become pale when he is born.
    Truth: Eat a well-balanced diet, to keep yourself and your baby healthy.

    Don't eat twin banana
    You'll have a twin baby by eating twin banana.
    Truth: Fruits such as bananas are good for the health and help reduce constipation problem during pregnancy.

    Don't take a photo
    You'll have difficulty in giving birth.
    Truth: You can take a picture as many as you want to start collecting memories of your unborn baby.

    Use kid's toothbrush
    If you use kid's toothbrush during pregnancy your baby's teeth are healthier.
    Truth: Brush your teeth regularly even when you are pregnant whether you use an adult's or kid's toothbrush.

    If you are blooming during pregnancy, expect a baby girl
    Your outward appearance determines the gender of your baby.
    Truth: Stay beautiful especially when your body is changing dramatically.

    If your underarms are getting darker during pregnancy, expect a baby boy
    Your skin tone determines the gender of your baby.
    Truth: Your underarms begin to darkened due to the level of hormonal changes.

    Follow your cravings, else you'll get miscarriage
    If you don't pamper yourself when you crave for a specific food to eat, you'll get miscarriage.
    Truth: Eat a well-balanced diet. Food craving is sometimes only in your mind.

    Put on an old baby clothes as a first clothing of your baby
    Your baby will not be luxurious when he gets old.
    Truth: It doesn't matter if you use old or new baby clothing for as long as it is clean and fits for him.

    These fallacies depend upon the culture that we had. I know that some women easily believe on sayings or superstitious beliefs just to have a healthy and safe pregnancy but nothing can give you certain do's and don'ts of pregnancy if you visit your doctor regularly!